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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Simple Tips to enhance your call Center Services in 2013

Sometimes simple can be much more effective than complex and extensive. There are too many blogs and articles floating on the internet which claim to provide tips and suggestions for improving the performance of call center services. Most of them sound too good to be true while some talk of complex strategies that are not even easy to understand. We have done a little research and have discovered that it is not so difficult to improve the quality of call center services. Here are a few very simple tips that could help you in improving the services of your call center in 2013.

Use Customer Ratings for Rewarding Agents: You should use call center software to get the feedback of customers for the services delivered to them by your agents. Use this software to find the rating of agents based on the feedback that they get. Next, make sure that you use these ratings to reward your agents. This would help you in rewarding your agents appropriately according to their performance. It’s a very effective way of improving the performance of agents.

Social Media Channels: The social media has influenced almost everyone who knows how to operate a computer. You should make yourself capable of delivering social media customer support services as it is going to be the latest addition in the demands of your clients. Learn how to measure and respond to queries of customers over these channels.

Intelligent Routing: Its time that you move on to sophisticated CRM software that would allow you to route the calls intelligently according to the qualifications and expertise of agents. The routing software should be able to identify the agent who is most qualified to answer the queries of the customer and then transfer the call to him.

Work upon the Training Process: There is no agent who is perfect. There is always room for improvement in an agent and you should work upon them to further enhance their performance. Regular training sessions with new updates and different strategies would prove more effective in preparing agents for anything that they might have to face in this year. These are some very simple things that are usually overlooked by call center outsourcing vendors and cause huge problems to them. We suggest that you keep the things simple and easy, and your performance will definitely increase.

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