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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Catastrophic Mistakes That Must Be Avoided by Call Centers

Call centers are responsible for handling some very critical business processes. It is very important that they perform all their activities with complete perfection as even very small mistakes can cause huge damage to the whole business. You must have read a lot about things and tips that could help you in enhancing the performance of your call center. For a Change, today, we are going to tell you about some of the most catastrophic mistakes that must be avoided by call centers.

Treating Call Centre and Other Business Activities Separately: Most organizations make the mistake of treating their call center division as a completely separate part of their business. They keep it separate from rest of the business activities. This creates a gap between the contact center and rest of the business which results in miscommunication, sometimes even no communication. Such a setup is not good for the business as the efforts made by the call center won’t be in synchronization with those made by the other business departments.

Too Much Focus On Agents: Some managers are too much obsessed with improving the performance of agents and make the mistake of focusing too much on them. They try to focus on every individual agent and keep themselves occupied with them only. Such managers are not able to manage the call centers efficiently which results in poor business performance in the long run. Agents play a very important role in customer support services but there are many more areas that must be properly taken care of.

Focusing on Technology Rather than Training: Many organizations believe that technology alone can help them in delivering superior call center solutions. They invest heavily in various call center technologies and give little attention to rest of the stuff. Organizations could benefit a lot if they invest intelligently on technology and focus a little bit more on training. Proper training of agents on technology that is available in the call center would be much more cost effective than investing heavily into technology. Today, the competition is so tough that organizations cannot afford to make any mistakes. Call center department holds a key position in every organization and the work done here should be error free as it affects the whole business. Organizations should try not to make the above mentioned mistakes as they could be fatal for them.

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Vcare Call Center

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