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Anti-offshoring Bill Again Introduced By US Lawmakers – Unlikely to Get Passed

In an attempt to discourage companies from outsourcing call centers to offshore locations, US lawmakers have come up with legislation in the congress. The bill has been introduced by a bipartisan group of six US lawmakers including congressman Tim Bishop. Congressman Tim Bishop had made a similar attempt in 2011 but he was not able to achieve much from it. The legislation had attracted 135 bipartisan sponsors in the House of Representatives then, but was denied a vote on the floor. Bishop introduced the “US Call Center and Consumer Protection Act of 2013” which would make it mandatory for call center employees in the offshore locations to disclose their present location and allow the callers to get their calls transferred to a domestic call center in their country if they want so. Further, the legislation also requires the US Department of Labour to track down all the companies that outsource their call center services to offshore locations.


These organizations would then be announced ineligible for any federal loan for next tree years. However, experts believe that the chances of such an Act getting approval from the House of Representatives and becoming a reality are less than even 1 percent. The legislation has been denied a vote earlier in 2011and there is no immediate reason for entertaining it now. Such attacks on outsourcing have been made since 1998 but they have all done very little in terms of discouraging organizations from outsourcing call center services to overseas locations. It is believed that such Legislations might attract a lot of sponsors but they are unlikely to get discussed in hearings or go any further than that.

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