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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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How outsourcing changed the outlook of global businesses towards customer support

Most of the businesses are utilizing the services of call centers to interact with the existing as well as potential customers. Besides this, the telemarketing, telesales as well as customer service needs of the companies are handled by call centers outsourcing companies. No doubt, these contact centers contribute immensely to a company’s success.

Outsourcing allows business owners to look for ways that enable reduction is overheads and expenditure. In addition, it also helps a business increase its profits and improve its capabilities. It would not be wrong to say that such services facilitate an enhancement in the profits of a business when it comes to performance, productivity and quality. As a business owner, you need not worry about customer support. In addition, you can concentrate completely on the revenue generating activities of your business.

Contracting out your customer service activities to a call center helps a company save in terms of infrastructural cost and personnel. At present, companies engaged in providing contact center services generally utilize the most advanced customer relationship management solutions. This not only facilitates interaction between prospective customers and a business, but also helps in enhancing the customer base of an organization. Outsourcing is an industry that has distinguished itself not only by acting as a support system for a variety of industries, but has also reduced the customer support burden of organizations to a major extent.

Asia is considered the most reliable outsourcing destination across the world. If you go round the globe to look for contact center services, you would find that India is one of the few countries that offer services of international quality. One cannot deny that there has been an exceptional increase in the number of call centers outsourced to India. You should not be surprised if you come to know that global business conglomerates do not mind queuing up and even waiting for their turn to avail the superior services provided by Indian call centers.


In addition, the availability of these services at reasonable prices adds to their enthusiasm.  The outlook of Indian outsourcing domain has always worked in the favor of the call centers. Moreover, the availability of employable English speaking population, cost-effective manpower specializing in technical and non-technical support activities and a variety of other factors has made the entire world look to India.

There is no harm in acknowledge that outsourcing of customer support and allied activities has become a household activity for organizations across the globe. In any case, a company that contracts out its business functions to a service provider that specializes in these services needs to think carefully and evaluate all odds entrusting that service provider. A call center may be meeting all your requirements in terms of quality, price and service availability. However, this does not imply that you should join hand with it. Always keep in mind that you should look for a company that addresses your unique business needs. This clearly means that the services of the call centers of America may not be the best for a company based in America!

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
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