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Some Words that should never be uttered by Call Center Agents

Outsourcing call centers to India has become the best way to run a large process without putting a stress on your profits. By using services of outsourced call centers in India clients can get high levels of expertise and accountability at costs that best fit their budget. The call center industry in India has been offering support to the US processes for decades now. The set up of an Indian call center is perfect for outsourcing. From infrastructure to technology every aspect assures that the work experience is a pleasant one. Call center outsourcing in India is a multimillion dollar industry. If infrastructure is an assurance for the clients, the skilled workforce is a reason they keep on partnering with Indian call centers year after year. The call center agents undergo rigorous process related training before they are thrust into the process. The training often consists of a script that should be followed by the inexperienced agents. But still there are many phrases uttered by agents that should not be used. Some of these phrases are mentioned below:

“I am going home”: As a professional the last call of an agent’s shift should be dealt with in the same manner as the first one. Even if dealing with the call means you get late for home. Yet, there might be instances when there is an emergency and you need to leave bang on time. In such times use the phrase “I have to pass your call to one of my colleagues”.

“We don’t deal with it”: You may be a part of the telemarketing team and a customer calls up with a billing related query. It is easy to state that you don’t deal with these. But it is a negative answer and won’t please any customer. The phrase just reflects that a brand is trying to brush aside its responsibility. When confronted with such a situation use the phrase “It looks like Department X might be able to help you in this regard, let me connect you there”.

“Calm down”: If a customer is shouting at the top of his/her voice and the person just won’t stop often the agents use this phrase. But the customer is shouting because the person feels agitated, belittled and undervalued so ordering him/her in such a situation is not ideal. Rather use “I feel the problem can be solved, but only if we discuss the matter calmly.”

“What is your Christian name?”: You will not ask customers for their Muslim or Jewish name, so do not ask anyone for their Christian name. It is an innocent mistake committed by many agents. But for the customers it sounds religious insensitivity and thus an unprofessional approach. Rather ask the customer “Can I have your first name please?”

“I am new here”: When you are new in an organization you are still not aware of the policies and other intricacies. In such a situation taking a call from a customer who has been around long and asks a lot of questions can be quite difficult. The questions may force you to utter the phrase. But as soon as you utter it, the caller will lose confidence in you. The customer would want to talk to someone else. Why commit such a mistake, especially when there are plenty of experienced agents around to help you. Just ask the customer “I have to consult the matter with one of my colleagues, so the line will go silent for a minute or two.”

“Should I connect you to my supervisor”: There are times when the questions thrown at you are too hot to handle and you have a feeling that the customer would ask to be routed to the supervisor for clear answers. It instigates you to utter the phrase to save the situation. But you are not doing yourself any favor. The supervisor will not be pleased to receive a call that you could not handle. If you continue to send calls to the supervisor you would be looked upon as nothing more than a gatekeeper and it is not ideal for your career.

As you can seen these are some of the common words that are used in call center processes. But they are not the right words to use. Strengthen your call center outsourcing in India process by using the right phrases.

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