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How to Provide Customer Satisfaction with Multi Channel Customer Service?

Outsourced call centers in India have to evolve with the changing needs of the customers. If only a few years ago customers liked to get in touch with brands using their telephones, then the preferences of the customers have changed drastically now. Modern customers are more tech friendly then they ever were. Technology for the people concept has made technology easily accessible to the least tech savvy people. People are spending a lot of time on the popular social networks. They are not only spending leisure time but performing essential business tasks as well. Chat has become a much convenient and time saving option than emails. People are using chats to express and share their feelings. So, businesses intending to support their customers seamlessly should always consider adding the chat and social media support in their customer support mix. Most of the outsourcing call centers to India clients want all the possible customer touch pints to be covered. The whole intention of including the various channels for customer service is to provide comfort to the customers. And in turn make them satisfied. But one of the issues that often comes up with certain multi channel support of outsourced call centers is their service is not uniform across all channels. This can lead to a major dip in the customer satisfaction levels. So, below are certain tips that can help the companies get the most out of multi channel agents.

Agent Skill Based Allotments: Agents tackling multi channel customer service have to be jugglers. They have to write, route and queue at the same time. This can be very complex for the agent. Interchanging so many roles when the pressure is up can lead to mistakes, and mistakes are very costly when it comes to customer services. By allotting a specialized task to the agents based on their specific skills, you can make the life easy for the agents. They no longer have to juggle between channels and concentrate on one sole area of support that they are good at. This will make the process bereft of mistakes and customers will be satisfied too.

Single View of Customer: Agents are now blessed with the boons of technology. The agent desktops have become a treasure of customer information. But not all systems are the same. While some companies do a great favor to their agents by having all the customer information neatly arranged, there are others who leave the agent clueless. Cluttered information or back dated information can cause a lot of confusion. So, the customer data should be present as one user interface. This will help the agents offer good first contact resolution and thus improve customer satisfaction.

Customizable Desktops: What works for one does not always work for the other! This is why customizable agent desktops are a great idea. Agents deal with various types of campaigns and queries across different channels, so the desktop needs to carry the information they deem necessary. Desktop having limited functionality causes a lot of frustration to the agents and prolongs their handling times. There are times when confusion is caused by a limited features desktop system.

Different Channels in One System: Spend more if you have to, but make sure that the agent desktop system is a complete contact center solution. There should be ways to integrate voice calls, chat, email and social media data under one complete system. If an agent has to work across various systems based on the channels then the process becomes very confusing, prolonged and mistake prone. By having a system that showcases all the information with a few clicks, the agents can solely focus on their prime concern – serving the customers well. Data is essential for any problem resolution so make it readily available to the agents.

Help Agents in Meeting Customer Queries: Customers get in touch with the call centers with two types of needs. First group of people, contact a call center to find a solution to a complex and rare problem. But the second group want answers to some basic and none too unique questions. For the second group, the agents need to get help from their seniors. There should be readymade answers which can be provided to the customers. The agent can click through the system to find these answers. Such an arrangement reduces the handling time and improves the customer satisfaction as the answers have been well thought out.

So, help your multi channel agents dish out the best customer services by arranging for the above mentioned help. Customer satisfaction is not the sole responsibility of the agents, some responsibility lies on the infrastructure that they have to work in. Give them the best infrastructure to get best results.

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