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What Mistakes to Avoid while Applying for Call Center Job?

Call center jobs in the past years were just a source of pocket money earning. They were not seen as a serious career prospect. Moreover, people did not want to consider it as their regular bread and butter earner. But that has not meant that call center industry in India has stopped in anyway. It is one of the fastest growing industries which are growing at a high speed. Plenty of scopes in the call center industry have meant that the talented youth are pulled towards a job in this sector. Contact centers have minimized the rate of unemployment among the talented youths in India. There are plenty of scopes for growth and a great pay in this sector. So, a job in a reputed call center is a thing to boast of. When you are applying for a promising position in a leading call center you should always strive to remove any errors from the point of applying itself. Sadly, the youth applying for a contact center job commit many silly mistakes which throw them out of the reckoning. In this article some of these mistakes will be discussed.

The Art of Presenting

Poor presentation is a reason many applications are thrown out even before they have been read through. This is more evident when the recruiters have a large number of applications to go through. You can alleviate your chances by eliminating some of the common errors.

Don’t Forget to Attach CV: Applying for a job is a serious business, so why not double check before sending. Make sure that the CV is attached before you hit the Send button.  No one is going to hire you unless they know what you have to offer to the company.

Sending from an Unprofessional Looking Email ID: You may be using an email ID that contains your school nickname or some weird names, but this is not the ideal ID to shoot the application mail from. Such weird email ID can put off the recruiters. Set up a separate email for professional purposes and apply for the job from that.

Sending without Grammar Checks: It is always essential that an email is read carefully and checked before it is sent, more so when you are applying for a job. Typo and spelling errors are common when you are typing a mail, so do not leave it on the spell checker to detect everything. Give a read and change the errors that are there.

Small Font Usage: There is a conception that two page CVs are the best. To achieve this many youthful professionals try to compress their information within these two pages. When the information gets extended they resort to minimizing the font size. If the font size is reduced to below 11 then it is doing more harm than good. The CV should be easily readable even if it stretched to 3 pages.

Good First Impression

First impression is really important in job hunting. A lot of opportunities die because of unfavorable first impression. Use some of the below given tips and create that telling impression in the minds of recruiters.

Gaps in CV: There are many CVs that have wide blank spaces without any need; these raise doubts in the minds of the recruiters. Even if you have been out of job it is important to explain where you were and what you were doing while out of work.

Listing Wrong Key Skills: The key skills that are mentioned in your CV are very important, it is an area that is keenly observed by the recruiters. So, this area should be left for highly developed skills such as Adobe Photoshop or C skills, etc. You cannot include wrong skills such as photocopying, laminating, telephone answering, etc. as a part of your key skills.

Addressing the Right Way: “Dear Sir/Madam” is good, but not eye catching. Try not to make your address a generic one. Put in the name of the concerned person, even if it requires you to call up at the company. Everyone likes to see his/her name, so why lose the opportunity?
Images on Social Media: There is a need to give your social media presence information in the CV. In that same light it is important that the social media profiles are maintained likewise. Posting drunken images on the Facebook will not do your job chances any good. The employers will view you as a rude person.

Do not Ignore Job Location: Before applying for a job you should have an idea about the job location. If the location is far from your place, please mention in the application that you are willing to relocate to a new location. Many applications are rejected because the recruiters feel the person would not be able to travel from their present residence.

Not Including Things Asked for: It is important that all the details asked for by the recruiters are attached with the mail. At times questionnaires or some other relevant things asked for by the recruiters. If you do not attach these then your chances of earning a job vanish into thin air.

Some other Mistakes

Having a Column for “Reasons for Leaving”: No recruiter is expecting you to stay put at a job for your life. If a recruiter is interested in knowing the reason for change they will ask you during the interview. When reapplying for Same Job: When someone rejects your application, do get back to the company and ask for a feedback. Never apply for a job in the same company without making the desired changes.

Always Include English and Maths Grades: These two subjects are closely related to the execution of jobs at a call center. Make sure that the grades in these subjects are included in the CV.

A job in a call center can change your life, so why apply for the job in a casual manner. Give it the required attention and earn a chance to appear in front of the interview panel.

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