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Customer Engagement Technology for 2015

Like all the previous year’s customer support services will undergo various changes this year to keep the customers happy. Each year brings with it a lot of expectations. One thing can be certainly predicted that call center technology will face lot of changes to accommodate the needs of businesses. This year brands will be in search of solutions that help them model a customer service approach based on their existing strategies and policies. Takers for complex and one-size-fits-all CRMs will be least. Outsourced call centers from India will have to offer their clients customized software solutions every single time. Asking for customized software makes a lot of business sense. The conventional software is very complex with lots of useless features. The customized software is made with a goal in mind and thus the employees can use it to their benefits. Apart from this call center technology that utilizes the potential of all digital channels will do well in 2015. Deployment of such technologies will be part of best practices of businesses. Let us take a look at some other technologies which the clients would demand from their call center outsourcing in India partners.

Agent Desktops Converted to Customer Engagement Centers
In 2014 the transition started when there was an integration of the contact center into the CRM systems. But the integration has a long way to go before it can be called complete. The agents need intelligent desktops to offer customers great services. To take the process further ahead the challenge would be to make the most of meaningful and context based information collected from customer interactions. With the help of Big Data, information from various departments would be mashed up in a single place. This will mean that agents have a larger data at hand. If the integration can be completed then the agents will not need to send their interactions to other departments and wait for answers.

Customer Care through Mobile Applications
Mobile apps have already become an essential part of every business’s contact plan. Companies are not hesitating in developing mobile apps for their business. This trend will emerge into the customer service realm. Companies will build mobile apps that can allow the customers to interact with customer helpdesks then and there. The apps will have capabilities of call back, web chat and instant messaging. It will become a virtual IVR that can support the digital customers. There is indeed scope for such an improvement as customers have grown weary of the traditional contact channels.

The Dominance of Web Chat
Web chat was appreciated as a customer service channel in 2014. Customers used it to meet various queries and got their issues cleared at the point of purchase with the help of web chat. This trend will only grow this year. It will become the number one channel of getting in touch with brands. Call center technology for web chat will have to transition from browser based chats to live messaging with the use of customer mobile apps.

Increased Capability of Text Analytics
Ask any outsourced call center in India about the challenges they faced in 2014 and they will surely opine: handling huge volumes of text messages coming from various channels such as web chat and social media. Add to this the instant messages coming from mobile apps - that is a hefty lot of text messages. These are the favorite channels of communication for the digital customers of the present era. Overflow of text messages is leading to long response times, which are even spanning to 48 hours during the busy times of the year such as Christmas. In 2015 the developers need to address this gap. There should be a mechanism to handle about 60% of the text messages automatically. This will free up agent time letting him/her concentrate on complex customer problems.

Extending the Reach of Customer Engagement Centers
New developments will surely enhance the customer experience by reducing the customer effort needed to get in touch with the brand, but there is still a gap existing. In 2015 brands will look to join the customer service actions across all the major customer touch points. Field services, delivery capabilities and logistics will be tied together.

As you can see there are plenty of areas where the customer support services will be changed in 2015. All these changes will help the call centers in India and elsewhere dish out the best services to their customers.  

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