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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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10 Lead Generation Techniques for Call Centers you Must Follow!

Lead generation is an integrated part of marketing which has potential to increase call center business by several folds. If not planned properly, lead generation can lead to wastage of time and money by companies.

Here are effective techniques which must be followed by every call center.

1. There is Nothing More Favorable Than Referrals

This is because the recommendation of a happy client is taken seriously by the people in his/her professional circle. Also, an existing client has a complete idea of features offered by call center services. Make sure to ask your existing clients to refer the company to the people in their network.

Cal Center Lead Generation

2. Apply Content Marketing Strategically

A well-prepared and properly promoted content has power to reflect the personality of your brand.  Make sure that content prepared is quite diverse so that there is something useful for almost every prospected client. To ensure the content reaches effectively to the concerned people, use a mix of paid and organic content marketing campaigns. Also, have the option of newsletter subscription on your website which will ensure that targeted users stay connected by receiving content in their inbox.

3. A/B Test Your Landing Page

Make sure to test call-to-action (CTA) buttons present on your landing page with different designs and colors to choose which one has maximum impact. Also, check both vertical and horizontal orientation of menus to ensure that visitors can easily access through your services page. It is also imperative to make sure that contact information is clearly visible on the website.

4. Offer Free Trial of your Services

Companies looking to outsource call center services always have doubts about the quality of the services. It is therefore an intelligent decision to offer services on free trial basis. Through this strategy, prospected clients can have a better understanding of the way you handle the process. Also, it will offer you a chance to modify the process in case there prospected clients are not satisfied with the services.

5. Offer Video Tutorials for Developing Professional Skills

Providing something free of cost which is actually useful for the prospected clients can indeed give you fruitful benefits. You can offer multiple free video courses for learning some professional skills like:

Public Speaking
Presentation skills
Persuasive Power
Advanced Excel

These video tutorials will definitely draw attention towards your firm and help in generating more leads.

6. Offer Free Software Plugins

Offer a plugin or add-on related to different software programs free on your website. This will definitely attract more hot leads on your websites which can be beneficial for your firm. Do not forget to promote these free offering on social media websites and other online forums.

7. Stay Active on Websites Like Quora

Websites like Quora are filled with questions posted by professionals from different verticals. Providing authentic answers to these questions helps in building credibility for the firm. That’s not all! You can even attach backlinks of your landing page which makes Quora a reliable lead generation source.

8. Plan Carefully your Events

It is inevitable for Call Center Firms to organize events which become a hot spot for meeting people from different industries. Make sure to design invitations in personalized manner having informative content related to theme of the event. A confirmation mail or SMS helps in enhancing the attendance of the visitors. You can even send emails during planning stage to ask attendees about what they expect in the event/seminar. This will help in preparing the content for the event in a much refined manner.

9. Choose Webinars if Budget is Limited

Webinars are one of the most cost effective methods to connect with the leads by offering something informative. Make sure to consider the right time zone while planning the schedule of webinar as your prospected clients living in other regions of world may skip it due to difference in time zones. Also, perform a thorough sound check and choose a quiet place for organizing the webinar.

10. Video Marketing

Visual stuff is always appreciated by people from different verticals. But creating right videos and promoting effectively are most crucial parts of video marketing.  Now, the question arises: What to choose as the topic of video? Most effective topics can be something that helps solving problems of your clients. Try to make it more realistic by using live examples. You can also include working environment of your company or success stories of other clients who used your services. Make sure to offer access to the video in exchange of contact information to increase the database of your leads.

Clients act as driving force for every call center across the globe. And these practical and effective techniques are definitely going to take a step closer to your valuable clients.

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Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
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