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How to Become a Customer-Centric Call Center?

The call centers in present scenario are focusing to improve the quality of customers through the implementation of various technologies. Support through different channels is also considered a major step in improving the level of customer experience.


But are these call centers actually customer-centric?


Technically, every call center is a customer-centric firm as their main process is associated with interaction with customers through different mediums. But in reality, only those call centers, which constantly improve the operations and create customer oriented culture at their workplace can be actually considered as customer-centric organizations.


Customer Centric Call Center

Here are some techniques that help in creating customer oriented culture in your call center.


Feedback from Customers


Feedbacks oil the wheels of improvement in the customer care department of a company. To evolve the services related to the customers, you must receive feedback from the customers on regular basis.


You can utilize data mining tools to gain better insights from customer feedbacks. This data can be added into CRM system to make the process more efficient. Also make sure to have a dedicated team, which is focused on collecting and examining the feedbacks from the consumers. Social media monitoring is also an integrated part of tracking the feedback from the customers. Last but not the least, your agents must also be allowed to view the feedbacks from the customers so that they can themselves work on improving their skills as per customers’ expectations.


You should not forget that there is no end to improvement. Even if you are receiving great feedbacks from the customers, you should still work on perfection to surpass their expectations.


 Call Center Metrics


The metrics are necessary tools that ensure that the quality of services is maintained by a call center as promised to the clients. An effective call center uses a blend of metrics that are targeted to improve the quality of customer interactions.


Most important metrics that must be utilized by customer-centric call centers include:


  • Average Handling Time
  • Service Level
  • First Call Resolution (FCR)
  • Customer satisfaction (C-Sat)
  • Employee Satisfaction


Each metric helps in tracking the impact of your services on the end customers precisely without spending excessive amount of monetary funds.


Training the Customers in Right Manner


In order to improve the training sessions, you can involve the representatives of your clients in training sessions. These representatives will share their insights on products/services that will prepare the agents to handle customers in better manner. Details related to target customers can also be shared from the client side during training.


Companies should also adopt the culture of mentorship under which the every newly trained customer must be guided by a mentor from a company. The mentor should be responsible for encouraging the new agents to work for the satisfaction of the end-customers during every interaction. Refresher trainings should also be held after certain duration of time to ensure that the level of quality of agents is maintained.


Give the Agents Power to Delight the Customers


Customer support agents often feel that their hands are tied when it comes to delighting the customers. This happens because the call centers focus only on satisfying the customers and not delighting them. In order to offer finest services, empowering the agents should be your primary function. The agents should be allowed to offer discounts and free gifts to your customers (whenever required). The agents should also be able to bend some policies if it works in the favor of customers. For example, if an online retail firm offers 7 days product return policy, the agent should be allowed to validate the product return on 8th day in order to retain the customer.


Encourage Active Listening Among Agents


You must remember that every human being wants to talk about himself/herself and expects other party to listen attentively in a conversation. This phenomenon becomes more important in case of customer interactions as customers choose those brands, which listen to them. Therefore, you must encourage active listening among your customer care specialists. Agents can do this by avoiding distractions and keeping the mind clear. Asking questions at certain intervals also gives the impression that the agents are listening attentively.


The agents should also be asked to avoid any form of argument with customer. Arguments can make the customer angrier due to which they will lose trust in the company.




All these techniques will help you in developing a customer oriented environment at the call center. Ultimately, your firm will be transformed into a Customer-Centric Call Center, which is trusted worldwide.

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