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Practical Tips to Become Successful Outsourced Call Center

The operations of any outsourcing vendor are as strong as its management techniques. In order to become most successful call center service provider, you need to think more practically to manage every department of your call center.

Check these practical tips which are guaranteed to lead your call center on the path of success.

Collaborate with Clients for Designing Training Sessions

The call centers can collaborate with their clients to design the training sessions in much streamlined manner. The involvement of clients during training sessions will ensure:


  • In-depth information of service/product among agents
  • Understanding of client’s objectives related to project
  • Clearance of all doubts related to projects
  • Better understanding of target audience


Contact centers can also organize regular meeting during an ongoing project in which representative of client and the agents can interact to discuss updates related to products or project-related queries.

Successful Outsourced Call Center

Silent Monitoring of Calls

A successful contact center ensures that customer interactions are improved regularly for maximum satisfaction. And to do so, you need to monitor the interactions by agents. By conducting silent monitoring of calls, you can point out errors on the spot. This will give chance to the agents to rectify the mistakes committed by them. This will also ensure that agents automatically start performing better as they will know that the calls are being tracked.


Offer Detailed Reports to Clients

You can consider yourself successful only if your clients remain satisfied with the way you handle the project. To satisfy your clients, offering transparency related to project is as important as maintaining quality of customer support. And you can make the process transparent by sending detailed reports on regular basis (preferably on daily basis). You can even use software through which clients can track the reports on regular basis.

Keep Modifying the KPIs

You may be using the best KPI for last few years but every technique has its expiry date. Therefore, you must constantly improve the process as per the changes in the market requirements. For example, first call resolution is a KPI that must be given more emphasis than average handling time as former is based on quality rather than quantity. Average time in queue and service level are other key performance indicators that are necessary in present times.

Have a Blueprint Instead of Script

The problem with the scripts is that they limit the potential of customer support representatives. The agents are unable to add their own creativity while interacting with the customers due to scripts. On the other hand, blueprints provide an overview of a perfect customer interaction with the scope of modification. The agents can use them as an outline and add their own style into it. This will directly impact the experience of end customers.

Put Focus on Reducing Agent Attrition

A customer support representative, who is associated with a call center for long term, is invaluable for the company. Therefore, the firm must design their employee promotion-related policies more flexible. The outsourcing firms must also give emphasis on acknowledging small achievements by the agents (like positive feedback from customers). These methods will rejuvenate loyalty among agents and they will prefer to stay with firm.

Have a Mentorship Culture in the Call Center

All new agents should work under the guidance of a mentor from the company for some duration (6 months to 1 year). This will instill confidence among new employees and give them the required boost on regular basis. The mentors can also act as a bridge between employees and company by reducing the communication gap.

Have a Disaster Recovery Plan

Some renowned call centers have more than one delivery centers in different centers of the world. These centers are able to handle the processes in case of natural or man-made disaster at a particular location. The call centers can also take support of cloud-based technology in order to minimize the impact of disaster. The disaster plan should be effectively tested in normal conditions to ensure that execution is not difficult.


Now, the ball is in your court! You can definitely become the Prominent Outsourcing Vendor of your Region by implementing these techniques. That’s not all! You can also make sure that end customers stay connected with the brands of the clients forever.


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