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How to Overcome the Stress of Working at a Call Center?

Stress at work is palpable. It is apparent the moment employers notice employees unoccupied, they are ought to shove them with extra work. Many industries like the advertisement firms where employees are known to work for 24 hours straight in order to create an impactful presentation for that one meeting and most of the times the grueling schedule involves keeping up with a campaign. Other industries too have their own set of odd working hours for instance with the doctors, they need to stretch themselves for over 48 hours and at times of crisis there is simply no scope for rest. With engineers, philanthropists, actors, call center agents it is the same case scenario. Every industry has their own set of drawbacks and benefits but what matters at the end of the day is the perception of the individual/employee and how he/she handles these rough situations. Is he/she willing to take the amount of stress that the work demands? Is he/she willing to work hard enough to achieve the agreed target? Most importantly is the will power of the employee strong enough to take up the challenges that come with work?


Well, these are a few situations that determine the motivation level of employee who can be a doctor, a nurse, a businessman, an engineer, a call center agent, a writer etc. Every work has its own set of challenges and to deal with those challenges is a challenge in itself which comes with the additional factor of dealing with stress. Is the individual capable enough in dealing with the stress that the work demands? Stress is associated with irritation, tension, inability to focus resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances which often leads to physical symptoms.


Daily Regime of a Customer Service Representative

The lifestyle of a call center agent is lopsided as compared to those of many other professions. The night is the morning and vice versa. These phrases, “Good Morning, Good Day and Good Night” does not hold any significance in the life of a call center agent, the words tomorrow and today is all the more confusing. When these words have lost their meaning then their regular diet too undergoes a change. For an example the timings for breakfast, lunch and dinner is lopsided too. There is a lot of changes in the physicality and mental aspects of working at night shifts. While some employees might just get adjusted to it while some may not. The youth especially are willing to adjust with everything that comes with lifestyle change but it may not always be the case with middle age i.e. the period of life between youth and middle age. While some may perceive it positively others may not. When there is difficulty in adjusting with night shifts then undoubtedly it’s an implication of great levels of stress.


The General Perception and Complaints

To deal with such situations when the mind gets clogged up with numerous thoughts like, “My morning and night has lost all its meaning, and I hardly get time to indulge in conversation with my loved ones during dinner” or “Why should I listen to the tantrums of people who have no respect for me?” or “I will not be able to party on Friday nights when the entire city is partying” or “I can’t enjoy the dinner meal with my family” or “I can’t party or hangout whenever there is plans during the weekdays”. Well, these are a few complaints often received from call center agents and often these thoughts lead the agents to resign from their night shift jobs which is an implication that they are not motivated enough to evolve in this profession.


Changing the Perspective

The agents of a call center need to realize that these are factors associated with the other professions as well. Complaints are connected with every jobs but the employee who is passionate about his profession will keep tough situations aside and assiduously continue with the challenges that comes with the work. These employees go on to create a benchmark for themselves and from them most of us draw inspirations. These employees too have undergone levels of barrier and ever wondered how they managed to keep up with circumstances? According to a few statements from team leader and successful managers they have always emphasized on the importance of thoughts.


Dealing with Negative Thoughts


To deal with negative thoughts and turn them into a positive thought is a real challenge. Because it’s all about that one thought which has the power to either make or break the situation. These thoughts also have the power to successfully deal with stress and complaints that come with it. However, in scenarios where stress has reached its extreme level, then the agents should follow a regime which can have fruitful health and emotional benefits like indulging themselves in various forms of sports, yoga, fitness clinic, aerobics etc. These have the power to transform a human in numerous ways such as in developing the self-esteem which helps them remain motivated and enthusiastic about their work. For other mindsets that are not at all inclined towards activities and sports then they can always learn ways to be happy. A happy individual who always has this gracious smile on his face can deal with the toughest of situations in the best possible way. He/she has clear thoughts in his mind which does not have a hint of negativity. However if the agent is in a negative phase then just smile, it will rule out all the pessimism.


Handling Yourself First Before Dealing with Aggravated Customers

Most common scenarios observed in a Call Center is where the agents have to deal with various lingos and informal dialects from customers on a regular basis such as, “You s*****, you are no good” or rather, “No aptitude abilities” and likewise statements. Which most of the times has adverse effects on the confidence of the employee, these are the times when the agents have to maintain its composure and these will perhaps be the defining moments of the employee that will make him a successful agent. At times like these it is advisable for the agents not to take these comments personally and never to indulge into an argument. Understanding the root cause of the problems faced by the customer and being able to fix the problem then and there will not only make the agent a composed individual but he will be able to deal with his and his clients problems in healthier ways.


Read here more Tips on Call Center Stress Management


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