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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Are You Looking To Outsource To India…Things You Should Know

Outsourcing has never been an easy decision. To ensure a smooth transition, the first step is to sell the idea internally to the organization and build favor from your entire team. Your participation at each step is indispensable. To make outsourcing a success, you should keep in mind these 10 very basic points.

1. Team Support It is essential that a company looking to outsource should first sell the idea to the entire management team. Outsourcing of any business process should find favor amongst all the team members especially those who would be involved in implementation. This overall support would ensure a smooth transition.

2. The call center is not an outsider The outsourcer has to consider the offshore call center has an extended part of its own organization. This requires synchronization and harmony amongst all the key management people at both the ends. This also entails extensive guidance in the initial phase and constant exchange of information on a continuous basis.

3. Start slowly but surely We recommend that first time outsourcers should take small steps to begin with.. If the outsourcer currently uses a call center in the home country, let the offshore center run parallel for the first couple of weeks. Begin by sending over only the overflow work and once you have achieved a comfort level with the new center and its processes, begin transitioning the major load of work. This will provide a good testing ground without jeopardizing the entire project.

4. There will always be a learning curve There is a learning curve involved in most of the business processes before they reap their complete benefits to the company. Outsourcing is no exception. Patience and persistence are the key requirements in the initial phase. Do not expect miracles to happen in the first 2 days!!!

5. Outline your expectations well in advance Many outsourcers have faltered due to unrealistic and impractical expectations with regard to the deliverables. The expectations have to be constantly reviewed to align with circumstances affecting the business. Make the expectations known to the process managers at the offshore center to ensure they work toward achieving the desired targets

6. A little investment in training goes a long way Every outsourcer, irrespective of its size and nature of business, should insist on a minimum training programme. For small sized client, training can be easily conducted through the phone while large clients may send a trainer to the offshore center to conduct on-site training. A little investment of time and money in a good training programme ensures long-term success especially during the ramp up phase.

7. Reward your agents This flows directly from the point of treating the offshore center as an extended part of your organization. The agents are key to achieving business success and it is imperative that they are kept motivated through both monetary and non-monetary compensation. 8. Feedback To ensure adequate control, incorporate a weekly feedback session with the offshore agents in the implementation plan.

This is important to reassess the expectations and obtain a perspective to the operational success of the processes designed. 9. Weekly reviews The reviews with the management of the offshore center would provide a medium to keep the center abreast of any weaknesses or lapses in their performance while providing performance appraisals to keep the results on track 10. In the end….if you have taken care of all the above…sit back and relax and let India do the rest!!

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
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