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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Leo PollockUS Supreme payday Leads    [leopollock1800]

Hii Folks,

Greetings of the d@y!!!

@re you people tired of p@ying for le@ds th@t do not convert for you @nd get che@ted d@ily?

If you @re still hunting for @ st@ble @nd perenni@l le@ds source your hunt ends here.

We gener@te our own le@ds through bulk SMS m@rketing port@ls @nd PPC c@mp@igns on our URLs @nd directly send it to our clients through secured tunnel links so there is no d@t@ loss.

Le@ds @re sent through wh@ts @pp links.

@ll the le@ds @re gener@ted through @ 2 step verific@tion form of OTP so there is tot@l elimin@tion of wrong @nd disconnected numbers.

Le@ds gener@ted vi@ port@ls @re org@nic @nd customers h@ving low credit score @re seeking short term @nd person@l lo@ns for there unexpected expenses.

No minimum orders.

No Repl@cement policies @s I @m thoroughly sure @bout the qu@lity.

Currently we @re onlu into the p@yd@y m@rket @nd Geo-North @meric@

We @lso provide Bulk SMS service to clients looking to m@rket their services or upsell their products GEO-US,C@N@D@,IT@LY,NORW@Y

We de@l in the following vertic@ls:
1)US P@yd@y LF @nd SF
2)C@n@d@ P@yd@y LF @nd SF
3)R@w B2C Le@ds GEO-US,C@N@D@,IT@LY,NORW@Y

Im@gine You @re the kings of your center,your di@ling @gents @re your soldiers @nd the le@ds @re the we@pons how do you expect your soldiers to win the s@les for you without sh@rp We@pons?

Untill @nd unless you h@ve good fortune by your side.

Looking for @ long term win/win rel@tionship.

Window Shoppers @nd brokers kindly st@y @w@y
Sincere Reg@rds

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
Performance of Outbound

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