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Varun SonawaneRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [globalaccess2017]

I have the rights to defend.

Micheellll Bagiuio you posted first.. But I have no clue who are you...I am available as I mentioned on the phone number given in my post so you call and discuss.

Bizpharma.... Yes I know you... You are right we worked together for 2 to 3 weeks I was unable to pay you... northern virginia wellness center was where I use to outsource for you as well as for me.... As mentioned in my post even I have been a victim of many scam... but I never gave up... just like most of you never gave up... after three years I got my own terminal for processing.... of course the decision is all yours....

My Apology to you for the past experience... but Sorry cant turn the time neither could bargain on the loss.
Merchant AccountRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [rpobst]

People just search his name under Varun Sonawane, and I am not the only one who has a complaint against him. This guy is a sc@mmer...
Northern Virginia Wellness Center [bizpharm12]

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to know if anyone has worked with Varun Sonawane. His Skype is globalaccesspharmacy2016

The descriptor name is Northern Virginia Wellness Center

I worked with him for 2-3 weeks and he did not pay me. Please let me know if more people have faced this issue with him...

See told you your a sc@mmer

Varun SonawaneRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [globalaccess2017]


First and first I am not Shawn... but a good try... I have no clue what are you upto. But my contact detail is shared in my post... If you say who I am then I would request you to call me or any body could call and discuss with me... I dont think a conversation over the phone would bother any one.... So all welcome..

michelle baguioRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [mbaguio1]

Is it really that strange SHAWN?

Yes Varun Sonawane, used to go by the name of SHAWN representing a card portal named PCS. We submitted cards for processing, then time of payment from India to us took months, and still it was never paid. He always says bank says money is on the way, sure and now he is up to his old tricks again.
Worst he issue nonexistent refunds, so everyone beware this guy is no good guy.
Varun SonawaneRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [globalaccess2017]

It is strange to see the below post.

We got our personal terminal in the year 2018. Which we are using for us.

Got two brand new merchant account.... where we have not even started the processing.

nice try Lady....

But people like you who do not want genuine things to happen here blame good people to be fake....

The name itself says you are fake.
Your name sounds like a blend of English and Nigeria.....


I am here because I am Open and Honest
michelle baguioRe: Sonawane Online Processing    [mbaguio1]

Varun Sonawane cannot be trusted, we did business with him and gave us a very bad experience. Not to be trusted...
Varun SonawaneSonawane Online Processing    [globalaccess2017]

Hi Centers

Sonawane Online Processing is here to help you extend your business in Pharma.

Over the last 4 years we have have been in this process.

But we too faced challenges like Processing, Shipping & genuine sales/centers

Now we are ready with our own processing centers.

Merchant account or Virtual Terminal is available with us to process your Credit Card Sales.
(Currently only processing United States orders}

Centers or an Individual getting sales through Web or by dialing are welcome to discuss the processing benefit with us.

Who are we
Sonawane Online Processing is a Pvt. Ltd O.P.C based and operating from Mumbai.

Our Aim : Of course Profit but we would also like to make the pharma process sustain for many years.

Centers who wish to not only grow but also sustain can start the initiative by calling me on 7700039159

you may also like to message me on my skype ID live:6483737cbca723c9

All Sales will be processed and reported the same day. Payment will be made every week. No Rolling Reserve Transfer Fee is applied as per banks norms.
Processing fee is 30%
Shipping is not done by us! But if needed could be done.

No Control Meds & No Sales outside the United States Billing Address

Every process and every discussion we have will be transparent.

A MOU will be signed by both.

Interested Centers or Individuals may revert to this post.

Varun Sonawane

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