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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt settlement!! Huge payouts !! End client direct upfronts!! Timely payouts!! Its a US Campaign$$$$
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt settlement!! Huge payouts !! End client direct upfronts!! Its a US camapign!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement!! Experienced centers kindly contact us. End client direct signup!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement Campaign!! Experienced centers kindly contact us. Timely payouts and no upfront payments.
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!!!! Debt Settlement !! Huge incentives!! End client direct sign up!! 100% genuine campaign with no upfront!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement for US clients!! End client direct signup!! Huge incentives and timely payouts!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! End client signup!! Huge incentives and timely payouts!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement for US!! Best payouts!! Direct end client signup!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement for US!! Best payouts!! End client direct signup!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh! Debt settlement Campaign available....huge incentives
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Refresh!! Debt Settlement campaign available!!
Steve KadtRe: US based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Steve KadtUS based Debt Settlement campaign    [stevekd]

Debt Settlement Affiliate Program

1. More than 27-year-old Full-service law firm representing & defending the clients. 2. Attorney based Debt Settlement program. 3 More compliant than any other debt settlement program and 100% compliant model as per FTC TSR, state and federal laws.
Highest Commission to our Debt Settlement Affiliates. And when we say highest we mean that. We pay our Affiliates as high as 85% of the total fee we charge. (Tier system based on Monthly production) The attached Estimate commission calculator will give you a fair idea of your earnings.

2. Exclusive leads/ marketing options provided to our affiliates at the lowest possible cost to you. We give list providers bulk business, thus they give us the best rates and best quality leads. Our affiliates maintain an upward of 12% closing ratio. If you are a big office with 20 reps or an individual working from your home office, we will custom make a deal for you. You decide how many calls you want every day and at what time, you still get the bulk rates, even if you buy 5 leads a day! We earn only when you earn, so we ensure you do earn.

3. Premier shift long Affiliate Support. Dedicated Affiliate Manager for your office!

4. Web-based CRM with complete functionality including E signatures.

5. 2 weeks of on-site training by a certified trainer, using best in the industry training material. Online training is available for experienced Debt Settlement Affiliates.

Please contact us at:

Mob. no. - +91 6291244213
Skype ID: end2endconsultant2019

Affiliate Management
End2End Consultant

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
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