Gregory Carmen | 2 Questions [GregoryCarmen] We have 2 Questions for you
1) Are you currently dialing / have you dialed for Dish Networks & How many seats?
If Not
2) How many sales per day can you target for a pilot of 60 days, before we discuss an hourly module
Just a small brief before we exchange our corporate profiles, we have been in business for the last 21 years - our core competencies are IT, BioTech, Business Intelligence, New Venture Management, Marketing & Analysis including BPO Outsourcing amongst others.
Servicing Fortune 1000 clients, with a network harnessing global resources.
We are one of the largest retailers of DishNetwork, looking to expand production.
Process blue prints will be sent once we agree to move ahead in principal.
Payouts will be at par with industry & based on your daily output.
Payment cycle initially will be 4 business days after every 20 installs, which could later be converted to twice weekly once we see consistent performance.
We give you access to our OE Portal, where you submit sales directly into DishNetworks database - which automatically generates a 16 digit account number, once the sale is credit checked and approved.
*** You could also generate inbound calls for yourself, we could assist in setting that up for you.
*** You could also add this as an upsell to your existing campaigns, generate hot leads for your own center. We are open to discuss an hourly module, only once you achieve 0.75 Net sales per day per agent - with a minimum of 30 sales per day consistently.
Overall, this process is a long term campaign - with just 12 million consumers (You could even pitch on wrong numbers). With Little or no competition from other satellite companies - Voom, Bought over by DishNetwork. Directv, merger underway. The only competition we have is, cable - with a market share of over 85%. Our programing packages are presently the lowest in the country, with digital signals.
Starting as low as $19.99!!
We also have great freebies that will help increase your closing ratio.
Dish Networks Downtime is 1% compared to 4-5% with cable companies. J.D. Power & Associates, have ranked DishNetwork #1 in customer satisfaction.
This process would certainly bring about some more positive brand equity for your call center.
If this is something that interests you, we will be happy to speak with you.
Warm Regards,
Gregory Carmen
Acount Manager